
Waiting for what comes my way: Radhika Apte

The actress also says that she is playing the waiting game' right now, as there is a dearth of good roles coming her way.

Her recent release, AndhaDhun, has been receiving positive reviews, but Radhika Apte says that she is still on the lookout for challenging roles. When asked if she would be open to playing a visually challenged person, the actress says, “Yes, why not? It depends on the script and character. It has to be exciting and challenging.”

The actress also says that she is playing the ‘waiting game’ right now, as there is a dearth of good roles coming her way. “Honestly speaking, I am still waiting for something good and positive to come my way. Though I have been offered different roles, right now, it’s the waiting game that’s going on in my career. Let’s see what I get,” she says.

When we point out that she has been doing quite well on the web series front, the actress says, “After watching Sacred Games and Lust Stories, people feel I have enough work. But the fact is that these are just small roles. It is working for merely eight days in two months. I wish to slog my ass off so that I feel like I have worked hard. However, it’s not the number of days that matters for me.”

Radhika also reveals that she is not averse to asking for work. “Sometimes, people approach me. and at times I unhesitatingly go ahead and ask for work. The moment I come to know something is happening I call people up. There is no harm in asking for work in a dignified manner,” shares the actress.

With her films lined up for back-to-back release the actress is busy with promotional activities. “Actually, all my films are releasing at the same time. Right now except participating in promotional activities I have nothing much to do,” she says.

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