
Sonam's Instagram post is worth pondering upon

The diva also knows how to use social media platforms and she never hesitates from put across her views there.

Sonam Kapoor is known for not mincing her words and the actress is also applauded for speaking her mind. The diva also knows how to use social media platforms and she never hesitates from put across her views there.

On Women’s Day too, she penned a note worth pondering upon.

Her post reads, “21 million ‘unwanted’ girls are born in our country as per the Economic Survey 2018. Gender inequality is something so deeply rooted in our culture, it's hard to see where it all began. Was it before a daughter was born, with the question of foeticide looming over the womb? Or once she was a teen and her brothers went to school while she stayed back and was asked to do household chores. What about the women who are overlooked and unappreciated, every single day, simply because of who they are?”

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