My wife is my support system, says Salil Ankola
I also take her opinion and suggestions on pretty much everything under the sun.

Salil Ankola
My wife Ria is not only my wife, she is my companion and also my best friend. She knows everything about me and I tell her everything. I also take her opinion and suggestions on pretty much everything under the sun.
Ria is also my biggest fan and my best critic. She is my support system. She is a great cook and makes everything with absolute affection.
She is a positive person and brings out the best in me. She understands my silence as well as moods. She motivates me all the time and she is helpful in decision making too. I can’t think of life without her as she has been very instrumental in what I am today.
If not for her, I won’t even be alive. She has come like an angel in my life and I owe her everything.
Salil is an actor
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