
Tiger-Bhansali film on the cards?

The actor recently met with the filmmaker to discuss a project.

Tiger Shroff recently had an opportunity that not many actors get — a closed-door meeting with Sanjay Leela Bhansali to discuss a film project. Turns out the legendary filmmaker is keen on backing a dance-based action film starring the young actor.

“Sanjay and Tiger had a meeting on Wednesday, and two discussed a possible collaboration. Bhansali has met with quite a few actors in the recent past, and everyone’s speculating about his next project. Apparently, there are a few that he will announce in the near future. At the moment, though, everything’s a matter of speculation,” our source reveals.

Eyewitnesses spotted Tiger leaving the meeting. And though he seemed a tad anxious, he obliged fans’ and photographers’ requests for pictures.

—Sanskriti Media

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