
A writer, reader, book fairy - Here's all you need to know about Omair Tarique

You do not need to speak in order a leave a mark. His life, an epitome of inspiration proves to this sentence.

Omair has been connecting hearts ever since he co-founded the platform — The Scribbled Stories — where millions of people express their own stories and readers relate to them.

The twenty-two-year-old writer hails from the city of Kolkata, recently graduated from Calcutta University. Hr was pursuing English Honours. Tarique found his love for words in his early teens.

Omair hails from the city of Kolkata, the heart of literature. So it was no surprise when Tarique published his first book — STRANGER – on 10th May 2017. STRANGER is a collection of short stories that talks about the kind of strangers you meet in your life. Currently, Omair Tarique has put his mind into the construction of his next book, an unnamed title.

Tarique had this immense faith on Language, which can leave a deep impact on the minds and hearts of people, in ways and many a ways.

When Omair Tarique co-founded India’s largest storytelling platform, The Scribbled Stories, it evolved as a hideaway for the millennials to express themselves. With over 4 million readers on Facebook and Instagram, having a FanPost with your name on The Scribbled Stories is akin to a pilgrimage completed.

If writing was his haven, reading brought him peace. Omair Tarique is known for the frequent readathons he organises — he has own book club by the same name. Tarique reviews books and inspires his thirty-one thousand followers to read — most of them have started reading. Some people know him as a “Book Fairy” — if he likes a book, he leaves a copy of the same in cafés for others to find. This man, full of passion and youthfulness, survives on coffee, movies and music, while at work.

On weekends, Omair Tarique hosts a Q&A session for his readers, largely trying to help teenagers in angst and every person who thinks they are alone.

At The Scribbled Stories, Omair Tarique manages a team of twenty-seven writers, who come from different countries and walks of life. Tarique is also the curator of stories submitted at the organisation’s submission portal. With his team, he has conducted various workshops in colleges across the country — from IITs to Liberal Arts Colleges.

Omair Tarique has given two TEDx talks. During his TEDx Talk at K.L. University, Tarique said, “Passion is contagious. I am passionate about reading, about writing, about stories. If you are passionate about something, like music, go back home after this event, pick up your instrument and record yourself playing something. Upload it even if it is bad. The way I see it, you either improve with criticism or get more confident with support... Each of you sitting in this room is an idea. And ideas can change the world.” He encourages every life and every one to unabashedly and just be themselves from the core of their hearts.

Omair Tarique, in this young age, had reached and created milestone, but when you see him over a cup of coffee and conversations, he is extremely grounded and keeps striving for more, the reason behind his accumulating pile of successes.

You do not need to speak in order a leave a mark. His life, an epitome of inspiration proves to this sentence.

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