
Unafraid and Irreplaceable

Singer Anushka Manchanda recently announced the launch of her debut track Don't Be Afraid from her property NUKA. She tells us more.

Spunky, natural and soulful – Anushka Manchanda's body of work, over the years, has evolved, and amassed followers by the hordes. The svelte VJ-turned model-cum-actress-singer is dynamic, speaks her mind without a filter and simply exudes an indomitable vibe – which is perfectly reflected in NUKA, her music property, through which she plans on releasing content as a music producer and visual artist. The launch of her debut release under this is the single Don't Be Afraid 3 was announced recently. In a candid interview, she shares the inside track with us...

“This may sound strange but Don't Be Afraid was originally written from the point of view of a tree, and was called Open Arms. I really do believe that nature has the answer to all our problems. We feel rejuvenated when we connect more closely with the earth and all it's beauty, and so the tree sings to you..' with these open arms...I will hold you close'. I'm a tree hugger, so these words ring true for me,” shares Anushka. The single is a product of a collaboration between a long-time collaborator Navzar Eranee and herself. Navzar has co-conceptualised and directed this video under his banner, Walkabout Films.

Referring to herself as a newbie when asked about her stint as a music producer, Anushka says, “I am a relatively new producer, so I am still discovering and playing with my sound. Currently, I am floating between different genres with all the music I'm producing, which you will hear in the next couple of months. However, some things remain the same...I love dirty, phat bass, and dark, grimy, electroic sounds.”

While she's probably giving everyone #fitness and #holidaygoals on social media, Anushka believes it is only NUKA and a few other interesting projects that are actually keeping her busy. “NUKA is everything I have been working towards in the last couple of years. I have been honing my technical skills as a music producer, an editor, and I am learning more about film. It's a space where I can truly explore, experiment, and create as an artist, without any restrictions. I have many things to say, and I will use my art to do so. I just released a photo story called Mute, shot with the amazing Pretika Menon, where we created a creature..half human, half animal, to present the hard truth about the threat there is to our wildlife. Coming up next is a state of the art music video where my director Navzar Eranee and I explore the idea of death and the transition of energy,” she excitedly elucidates.

From garnering instant recognition back in the early 2000s as a part of the all-girl band Viva to emerging as an independent artist at present; Anushka attributes her growth in the industry to her evolution personally. She says, “It's really my evolution as a human being that has made me the artist I am becoming today. I have always gone with flow, and the way I interact with my environment and the people around me has largely remained the same. However, I find that i have a much stronger moral code now than before.

I will not do something for the sake of money, if I don't believe in it. I think I have a responsibility towards this planet. I'm not going to compromise that.” Off the record, Anushka is an animal lover too. She adds, “I care a lot about animals and their welfare. I love to read, but with the phone these days and social media I really have to make time to do it. I love editing. Not full length features, and not commercials, but music videos. It's fun to play with footage. That aside, although I don't get to do it much, I love hiking. Being out in nature makes me the happiest. I love geeking out and learning new things..different software or hardware. I love dancing. Take me to a rave with banging music..and I can dance for days and nights!”

Subtly dodging the question on what lies next on the cards, Anushka concludes, “I need a holiday. I've been working non stop. It took me three months just to edit this music video I am putting out. And it's been pretty crazy doing it independently for the first time ever. Now, I want go to a festival somewhere for a week and dance my heart out. I am planning the next project for Nuka already though. And we are deciding which track we will make a video for next. Whatever I do...I wanna blow your mind.”

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