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  Entertainment   TV  13 Apr 2017  I’m asocial, not a loner: Vivian Dsena

I’m asocial, not a loner: Vivian Dsena

Published : Apr 13, 2017, 12:42 am IST
Updated : Apr 13, 2017, 12:42 am IST

Despite his polished exterior, the actor has accepted the look of the rugged Punjabi guy from his show Shakti — Astitva Ke Ehsaas Ki.

Vivian Dsena
 Vivian Dsena

One wouldn’t think of Vivian Dsena, one of the most popular stars on television right now, as an asocial personality. But, while the actor says that he isn’t a loner, he admits that he much prefers to spend time at home. Elaborating on the inaccessibility issue, Vivian shares, “I’ve been like this since childhood. I never went out much with friends. In fact, I also spent a lot of my birthdays at home — I liked it that way. While I like staying in at home, I don’t think I’m a loner.” The actor doesn’t believe in real life drama and thinks that having an intimate, small circle of friends is more important than having many friends. “I think having fewer friends means less drama, which makes your life easier. And, considering the kind of work commitments I have, I can’t maintain a too many friendships,” he says.

The actor also credits his asocial behaviour to leading a busy life. “Many people like to go out for coffee, food and drinks, but I can’t go out as often because when I get home after my shooting, it is time to sleep,” he explains.

Despite his polished exterior, the actor has accepted the look of the rugged Punjabi guy from his show Shakti — Astitva Ke Ehsaas Ki. The actor says that there was a time when he used to get nervous regarding his character. “The audience is used to seeing a ripped version of me, (even in terms of my weight). But, I want to show myself like a simple guy, a next-door Punjabi guy like what my character demands,” he explains.

Vivian says that because of his previous roles of a vampire and a superstar, he has faced some difficulty in convincing the audience in this new avatar. “Since I had never played a guy-next-door, they audience was used to seeing me in superficial characters,” he says. The actor also explains that he has had to pay close attention to how he plays the character on screen. “I purposely kept it simple. Even if you see my clothes on the show, they are simple,” shares Vivian.  Talks of Vivian making a Bollywood debut has been doing the rounds for a while now, but he says things are far from there. “No one has approached me yet. If they approach me, I will probably get to know from the media because they’ll get to know first,” he laughs.

The actor also talks about the hard work he puts in, saying, “I can’t be lucky all the time. You can get lucky once or twice, but you can’t get lucky all the time. I don’t know why people say luck has played a vital role in my career. I have worked hard for it and given my hundred percent to reach where I have.”

Tags: vivian dsena, shakti — astitva ke ehsaas ki