
Artificial Intelligence can help treat lung diseases more effectively: study

It does so by using algorithms that can perform predictive analysis of data and learn from that.

It does so by using algorithms that can perform predictive analysis of data and learn from that.

Artificial intelligence is changing the world in many ways and the medical field is one that has been revolutioanised by AI. While some reports have been arguing that it may take over from human doctors soon, it’s already proving helpful in detection and diagnosis of several conditions.

A recent study has suggested that Artificial Intelligence can be instrumental in improving accuracy of diagnosis for lung diseases. It does so by using algorithms that can perform predictive analysis of data and learn from that.

Researchers developed an algorithm process in addition to clinical variables of smoking history and body mass. This algorithm suggests the best diagnosis based on clinical and lung function data.

The analysis of results is currently done on population based parameters, while AI can observe a combination of patterns at once for better accuracy.

-"The benefit of this method is a more accurate and automated interpretation of pulmonary function tests and, thus, better disease detection,-" said Marko Topalovic from University of Leuven.

The method is said to help less experienced physicians and also help reduce the number of redundant tests that doctors carry out in the process of determining the best treatment.

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