
Skin deep

The skin is the body’s largest organ and it requires the right care.

The skin is the body’s largest organ and it requires the right care. Damage to the skin due to these factors has seen a rise leading to sun burn, itching and also pigmentation that leave scars and marks on the skin. But apart from the natural factors, wrong combination of drugs and steroids are some of the major reasons for skin damage. It is, thus, important to check before using a combination of drugs and test samples on the skin.

Sunscreens don’t work after two hours There are three types of ultra violet rays — A, B and C. UV A rays can cause quick tan, photoaging and skin cancer. UV B rays can cause delayed tan, sun burns and skin cancer. UV C rays are absorbed by the Earth’s ozone layer. For this reason it is important to use broad spectrum sunscreens containing inorganic and organic ingredients to protect against UV radiation.

Inorganic ingredients like zinc oxide, titanium oxide act by reflecting and scattering the radiation. Organic ingredients like octyl methoxy cinnamate, avobenzone etc. act by absorbing the radiation and dissipating the heat.

Dr B. Vijayasree, dermatologist, cosmetologist and trichologist at Maxcure Hospitals, says, “SPF 15 offers 92 per cent protection, SPF 50 offers 98 per cent protection and no sunscreen gives 100 per cent UV protection. Sunscreen must be applied 15 minutes before going out. Reapply after every two hours when outdoors as the chemical ingredients break down after exposure to sunlight.”

Many people use 25 to 50 per cent of the recommended dose of sunscreen but more than that can be dangerous. Dr Vijayasree adds, “It must not be used in excess as it reduces the body’s ability to produce Vitamin D.”

Drugs mixed with steroids damage the skin With numerous creams in the market it is important to check the combination of drugs that are used as it can lead to skin damage. Depigmentation agents like licorice, arbutin, Vitamin C, mequinol niacinamide do not cause any harm.

Dr Akansh Jain, dermatologist at Sunshine Hospital, said, “But when these creams are mixed with steroids it causes the skin to become thin and telangiectatic. People must carefully read the combinations of drugs that are used in creams. Major steroids used in Indian creams are Betnovate and Hydroquinone. Even when used in antibiotic or anti fungal creams these chemicals are found to make the skin sensitive.”

Also those who are on regular intake of pain killers are found to have allergic reactions on the skin.

Fairness creams are a concern Anti-aging creams are flooding the market and are used to keep the skin wrinkle free and also healthy looking.

While experts state that anti-aging creams are definitely effective, the basic concept of these creams is to keep the skin moist.

Dr Anup Kumar Lahiry, consultant dermatologist at Apollo Hospitals, said, “What is most disturbing is the trend of fairness creams in our country. The effect of these creams is only temporary. Long term use has toxic effects on the skin. The ingredient Hydroquinone itself causes pigmentation and it is very difficult to remove.”

Steroid abuse is a rampant problem when it comes to fairness creams as it leads to steroid dermatitis.

Dr Lahiry added, “Also, patients get addicted to these creams and it is very difficult for them to let go of the habit. Long term use is found to cause redness, thinning of skin, excess hair growth and also fragility. With steroids sold as over-the-counter drugs, the rate of abuse is high and it will take a lot of time and effort to make people aware of it.”

Common skin problems in India Contact allergies Eczema is on the rise due to increasing Pollution levels Skin pigmentation Sun allergies Bacterial infections like follicutlitis and fungal infections To ensure that allergies are controlled it is important to minimize the use of fragrances, cosmetics, frequent patch test of new products and also minimize sun damage by avoiding the sun when it is harsh, especially between 10 am to 4 pm Excessive sweating demands that people wear loose cotton clothes, apply powder that absorb sweat and antiseptic soaps that help reduce folliculitis

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