Supine on yoga waves

Here are various poses one can practice using the concept of paddleboard yoga – a relatively new addition to the practice, done on a surfboard atop still water!
Paddle board yoga or Standing up Paddle Surfing (SUP) is one of most modern forms of yoga. It originated in Hawaii and was adopted by the Western countries, later. It is the art of performing physical and mental abilities on calm water such as lakes and swimming pools. Practitioners can practice on the beach using a normal length surfboard or a specially-designed stand up paddle board. It is always good to have sound knowledge of anatomy to perform yoga in the advance level or water. SUP can be a really powerful tool to achieve balance, flexibility, strength, focus and willpower to conquer the fears of life.
Salabhasana/Locust Pose: This pose develops self-confidence and invigorates the body as the internal organs are stimulated and the acid base balance of your body is regulated. Performing this asana strengthens your leg, pelvic arms, shoulders, thighs, calf muscles and hips and back muscles. It encourages good posture and getting a lean and fit figure. The locust pose also helps in relieving you of stress and calms your mind, body and soul and is beneficial for depression.
Shirshasana/Headstand: Shirshasana affects both your mental and physical health. It helps relieve stress and increases focus. The blood flow to your eyes is improved and the blood flow to your head is increased. It also strengthens the scalp, shoulders and arms. It also helps to improve digestion by flushing the adrenal glands. Fluid build-up in the legs, ankles and feet is decreased and the core muscles of your body are strengthened. Adding to all these benefits, the headstand also helps to stimulate the lymphatic system.
Bitilasana variation / Cow Pose / Hand and Knee Balancing The Bitilasana is an important step in your yoga routine. It helps in improving the overall body balance and improving your nervous system. The pose that requires you to lift an alternate arm and leg while the table pose is beneficial in providing strength to not only your back muscles, but also your spine. It is especially good for seniors to improve their mental and physical performance. As in the case of most yoga poses, this pose too relieves your brain of tension, anxiety and depression.
Dhanurasana/Bow Pose The Bow pose improves digestion and appetite and is effective in weight loss. It not only helps cure dyspepsia (obesity), rheumatism and gastrointestinal problems but also cures constipation and improves blood circulation. It helps making your back flexible and strengthen muscles. You can also use this pose to relieve stress, improve posture and strengthen different parts of your body including the ankles, groin, chest and thigh. It also helps with respiratory disorders and improving the functions of the kidney, liver and pancreas.
— the writer is a Chennai based yoga expert.