
Live in peace

RIP is usually stated in an obituary. However, it would serve a much better purpose when we say: ‘Live in Peace’.

RIP is usually stated in an obituary. However, it would serve a much better purpose when we say: ‘Live in Peace’. As we celebrate the international day of peace on September 21, we need to devote ourselves to strengthening peace and togetherness among families, people and nations.

The practice of peace starts from within oneself. To be happy and satisfied within oneself, is to plant the first seed of peace. We all know that the greatest destroyer of resources and lives are wars. Each one of us must strive to resolve these issues in our own lives as well. The next step would be to reduce its impact. We then need to reach out to our communities.

The practice of peace starts with building an attitude of collaboration and cooperation in our own lives. Research has proven that the regular practice of meditation can positively affect at least 200 people in our environment. To be peaceful at home, on the roads and in the market place, releases and liberates resources that can be used for societies to develop and prosper. So let us declare, practice peace in our own lives this year and resolve by:

Focusing on avoiding conflict in our families and building togetherness. Practice friendliness and collaboration with our neighbours to build happy streets. Reach out to all those who work for us and help them to overcome poverty and need. Practice and spread the art of meditation and kindness. Practice fairness, ethics and quality standards at work. This year, let us live and practice the art of peace and happiness. The writer is the author of Everyday Happiness Mantras, Innovation Sutra, and Happy Street

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