Rise of the ‘boast’ployee
If you want to get noticed at your work place, highlight your achievements

If you want to get noticed at your work place, highlight your achievements
Remember the Bollywood flick Rocket Singh: Salesman of the Year and how Ranbir Kapoor offers even the guy who brings tea equal partnership in his company Now, companies don’t need to shell out valuable stocks to keep their employees happy. All it takes is a little appreciation of their talent and hard work — something that appears hard to come by according to new research. What’s more Apparently, while most employees don’t speak about their professional success, others see it as ‘bragging’!
Heads of human resource departments often find that employees crave to be noticed and do even better when they are. “It’s very important to document small and big wins as it would be impossible to recall every detail of performers when an opportunity arises,” opines Devi Meenakshi, a senior HR professional and former country manager of HR at AT&T India Pvt.Ltd. “In a heavily complex organisational structure, it is important to encourage peers too so that good work is recognised automatically” she adds.
Bosses believe that they would love to celebrate successes and make a hero out of the person who has achieved something impactful, but it’s impossible for them to keep a track. “You have got to put yourself out there to get noticed. There is no escaping that. But if you can bring out your success with a sense of humility, then you gain respect and that takes you a long way. I have worked with very few who have completely mastered that art,” says Vijay Abhimanyu, managing director of Billionsmiles Hospitality Pvt.Ltd.
So, is there a way to pitch yourself without making it look like a brag Sure. According to experts, employees need to use anecdotes to show how they are shining, get their co-workers to say something nice about their work while returning the favour, use words like ‘happy’, ‘surprised’, ‘grateful’, and ‘lucky’ to show gratitude and not complain about their success. Sounds legit.