
Slow down and enjoy life

Do you remember a day when you did nothing Probably not. Most of us are overscheduled, overworked and overextended.

Do you remember a day when you did nothing Probably not. Most of us are overscheduled, overworked and overextended. Juggling many roles, aided by half a dozen digital aids that keep us on high alert, many of us may be on the brink of a burnout and not even aware of it. During a self imposed retreat, a period of silence, with no digital apron strings, ask that ancient question, ‘Quo Vadis ’ Where are you going A question, the answer to which you suspect, but are too busy to listen to. Are you chronically exhausted all the time Pressed for time, unable to complete your tasks Are you in a space where no one appreciates your Himalayan efforts Do you feel under unrelenting stress over a substantial period of time If so then you may be heading for a burnout. Here are some things which you can do if you want to really slow down and come back from the edge:

Accept what is happening to you. Get help from your network of family and friends. Professional help may be a realistic option.

Plan your day, the night before. Set out your clothes. Plan your tasks so that there is no pressure in the morning.

Wake up in a leisurely way, even if you have to do it earlier. Stretch gently, meditate or do breathing exercises. Read a soothing book.

Set apart a time when you will not be available digitally or even on the phone and share it with your network. Learn to say no. Choose a fun activity or hobby.

Schedule happiness breaks twice a day. It could be talking to a friend or reading a ‘feel good’ book.

As you slow down and do all this, your quiet inner voice will begin to speak again. And you will be silent enough to hear it again.

The writer is the author of Everyday Happiness Mantras

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