Time to let go, finally!
Ozzy and Sharon Osbourne recently split after 33 years of marriage, on the grounds of an extra marital affair.

Ozzy and Sharon Osbourne recently split after 33 years of marriage, on the grounds of an extra marital affair. But what’s more shocking is that Ozzie had allegedly had a number of affairs throughout their marriage and Sharon stayed by his side, despite knowing about it and even defended him in one case!
Stepping closer to home, a number of A-list Bollywood celebrities have also been in similar situations. Hrithik Roshan, the current king of controversy also allegedly had several affairs with his co-stars, two of his most famous link-ups being with Barbara Mori and Kangana Ranaut. Suzanne Roshan stayed with him despite the rumour mills rolling and eventually split last year, shaking up the entire industry!
3 Idiots star, Aamir Khan’s life has never really been a huge secret. He was married to Reena Dutt for 15 years before they called it splits. He had allegedly been having an affair with British journalist Jessica Hines who he is said to have a love child with! Reena and Aamir only got divorced in 2003, when reports emerged that he had also befriended Kiran Rao, who he later tied the knot with. Saif Ali Khan too, had an affair with Roza Catalino when he was still married to Amrita Singh, who he has two children with. The couple split much later due to a number of other issues.
But why do these celebrity wives choose to stay despite knowing about their husbands (in some cases numerous) affairs “Celebrities are no different from the rest of us. When there are kids involved, the couple tries to work things out for the sake of the kids. They want to give their partner a chance. When somebody walks out of a marriage, it’s because they have done everything they could have to save it and they know they deserve better,” says Dr, Sowmya, a relationship counsellor.