Digital Cinema Awards Giving the Power back to the Audience!
Transparency and equality has become the new normal and need of the hour!

Digital Cinema™ App is giving the power back into the hands in-fact at the fingertips of the audience by introducing Digital Cinema Awards in 2021; where the audience will be the jury and only the audience cum users of Digital Cinema™ App will be able to vote and support their favourite Film, Music Video and Artist by deciding the winner.
Clearing all the groupism and power games with the new era of Digitization, we are seeing the fall of big power houses and names with scams of power and monopoly. Transparency and equality has become the new normal and need of the hour!
A platform created by an Artist himself who has been a victim of these Power Games and decided to take a stand do something about it by building an equal and just platform – Digital Cinema™ App where only talent matters.
Arian Romal Johnsen who is the CEO & Founder of Digital Cinema™ App quotes that “Awards are the celebratory flags marking the milestones achieved”, hence we are trying to create and give a better start by marking the Independence of Artists and Talents to give them freedom from all these scams, monopoly and power games of the so called biggies and letting only Talent Matter.
CMO, Ryan Romal Johnsen says that for years the Cinemas have supported only the Big Celebrity and Big Production House’s Films, where around 70% to 90% of the screens were ruled by them and the small and medium films left with the remaining 10% to 30%.
Plus their bigger budgets of promotions and marketing took the entire offline and online space leaving only a tiny space of window for others.
Because of which the awards shows have been mainly ruled by these Big Names and Big Production House’s.
Others weren’t able to enter as they haven’t been able to reach the mass audience due to the small number of available screens and smaller budgets for promotions and marketing as compared to the biggies.
With Digital Cinema™ App, every content and film will get an equal and just opportunity to showcase their work.
On the other hand the Digital Cinema Awards will let the Public, Content Creators and Artists decide for themselves whether whom they want to support and go ahead with says CFO, Omid Romal Johnsen.
Arian Romal Johnsen has not only made a comeback and given a statement with the tech company - Digital Cinema™ App who has the strong backing of Romal Empire Invest - a $50 Million dollar company having sub entities like LetsPartii® App, HotJug™, Billionær® Vodka, XYme™ App, Capital Neon™ Game, UnderrCoverr™ Fashion, Maximum Risk Productions™ and many other digital platforms and brands under it.
Digital Cinema™ App marks the era by standing up for the good and appreciation of the Talents and Artists, by which it has positioned itself in a righteous light of providing an equal platform where only Talent Matters and not money, power, name, likes, views, etc.
Coming in your devices at your fingertips this Independence Day on the 15th of August, 2020 and marking the Independence of Artists and Talents, while giving the audience their power back of decision making.