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  29 Apr 2021  Post Workout is as much essential as Workout, says fitness expert Omkar Singh

Post Workout is as much essential as Workout, says fitness expert Omkar Singh

Published : Apr 29, 2021, 9:51 pm IST
Updated : Apr 29, 2021, 9:51 pm IST

Fitness trainer Omkar Singh explains that the key to muscle gain and weight loss is a combination of workout and post-workout

Fitness trainer Omkar Singh explains that the key to muscle gain and weight loss is a combination of workout and post-workout
 Fitness trainer Omkar Singh explains that the key to muscle gain and weight loss is a combination of workout and post-workout

You need to look good, you need to feel strong, you need to be the best version of yourself. Make your workouts intense, there is nothing wrong with it. However, it is equally important to take care of what you do post a gruesome or even a lite workout. Fitness trainer Omkar Singh explains that the key to muscle gain and weight loss is a combination of workout and post-workout. To start with, he recommends a healthy snack within 45 minutes of workout. Carbohydrates and protein. You cannot miss these two. Omkar explains that proteins aid in muscle recovery while carbs restore energy. Usually, in the beginning, the clients are not aware of the importance of what food product they should consume to get these essential nutrients. Omkar says that as a professional trainer he ensures that the clients have a diet chart that would help them make a wise selection. Secondly, water is so important for a post-workout routine. It is of paramount importance. One may choose a low-sugar sports drink that contains potassium and sodium, that can prevent and relieve muscle cramping.

Then comes the rest days. Even the ‘rest days’ are part of the workout schedule. There is no pressure but one needs to indulge in some easy exercises. Let’s say it can be yoga or plain simple stretching; anything that does not put your body under stress will be fine. This leads to improvement in blood circulation and removal of toxins. This process is also known as active recovery.

It is also advisable to finish the workout with a cool down. Omkar recommends Savasana to achieve the best cool down. Not only does it relieve you of stress but also prevents muscle soreness and promotes overall wellbeing. "At times heavy workouts make clients feel lightheaded, this technique comes really handy to provide them relief,” says Omkar Singh. During the pandemic, the demand for home workout sessions has soared. Even at home, a post-workout routine is necessary. Cold showers are amazingly beneficial. Muscular tension gets eased out and it also prevents inflammation. Instagram is filled with celebs soaking their muscles in bathtubs filled with ice. Rest awhile and then jump into cold water. Feel the chill, your muscles will love it. “I even adjust the workout and post-workout routine for my clients. This is all to help them get better and stay en route on their fitness journey” says Omkar.


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Tags: fitness trainer, omkar singh, post-workout