
7 girls framed in fake sex scandal

Raising a question mark over its functioning, the Rajasthan police almost ruined the reputation of seven young girls by framing them in a sex scandal.

Raising a question mark over its functioning, the Rajasthan police almost ruined the reputation of seven young girls by framing them in a sex scandal. The police had wrongfully detained the girls, alleging that they were involved in flesh trade, and registered a case against them.

After the matter came to light, director general of police Manoj Bhatt ordered an inquiry in to the matter and suspended the guilty police officer. The girls had complained that the police had not only wrongfully detained and misbehaved with them but also registered a fake case, labeling them as sex workers.

Some of the girls accused of being involved in flesh trade are bright students who have been preparing for civil service examinations. The girls, who work for an event management firm, had gone to Beawar for an event.

They were staying at a hotel along with the owner of the event management company when a young man had come to their room asking them who among them was free. When they called their boss, the man got into an argument. Afraid by the incident, the girls changed the hotel.

However, at midnight the policemen knocked the door and forced them to go with them to the police station. There was no female officer in the police team, the girls alleged. When the girls refused, the policemen told them that there was nothing to be worried about and it was only a routine questioning.

“We told them that we have come for an event and they can talk to our parents. Although, they didn’t find anything objectionable, they continued to harass and misbehave with us till four in the morning,” they reportedly alleged in the complaint.

According to them, the police took phone numbers of their family members and home addresses but didn’t bother to call and verify them. Later, the girls came to know to their horror that they have been framed in a sex scandal and a case was registered against them. The girls said that some of them have been preparing for Rajasthan administrative service and they have been framed in a fake case.

IGP Malini Agarwal said that an inquiry is underway and the action will be taken after the report is submitted.

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