
Chinese military delegation to arrive at Bengal for talks with Indian Army

High-level PLA delegation's visit is in consonance with vision of PM Modi and Chinese President Xi Jinping during Wuhan summit.

Kolkata: Burying acrimony with India, a high-level Chinese military delegation is arriving at North Bengal on Tuesday evening on a visit to a key strategic Indian military establishment facing the neighbouring country. It will hold talks with the senior officials of the Indian Army on Wednesday there before visiting Fort William, Headquarters of the Eastern Command of the Indian Army on Thursday.

The high-level PLA delegation's visit is in consonance with the vision of Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Chinese President Xi Jinping during the recent Wuhan summit, where both leaders reaffirmed the need to strengthen bilateral ties, according to defence ministry sources.

The PLA delegation, led by Lieutenant General Liu Xiaowu, Deputy Commander of Western Theatre Command, is arriving at Sukna - headquarted Trishakti Corps near Siliguri under the Eastern Command.

The delegation comprising 10 senior military officials from China will interact with their military counterparts at Headquarters 33 Corps, said chief public relations officer (Eastern Command) Wing Commander SS Birdi.

He added, "This visit by the military delegation to the military headquarters at Sukna is a significant step forward towards increasing interactions at military commander’s level and implementation of various agreements to maintain peace and tranquility on the borders."

The Indian delegation will be led by Lt Gen Pradeep M Bali, General Officer Commanding of the Trishakti Corps, Wing Commander Birdi informed.

He elaborated that the delegation level talks will be followed by a cultural programme showcasing Indian traditional dances and a banquet in the honour of visiting delegation. The PLA delegation will arrive at Kolkata on July 5 for their visit to the Fort William.

Before arriving at Sukna, the Chinese delegation has visited Delhi and Agra.

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