
Rajnath Singh to Pak: Can help if you can't fight terror

Singh highlighted the fact that there has been a significant drop in terrorist attacks in the country ever since the NDA govt came into power.

New Delhi: Looking to corner Pakistan on its oft-repeated claim of being a victim of terror, home minister Rajnath Singh suggested that Islamabad can ask India for assistance in case it is not able to deal with terrorism on its own. He also hit out at Islamabad for continuing to sponsor terrorism in Jammu and Kashmir.

Talking to the media in Jaipur on Sunday, the home minister said he wants to ask Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan that if the US could help deal with terror and Taliban in Afghanistan, then Pakistan can very well seek help from India in handling terrorism if it feels it cannot deal with the menace on its own.

The home minister’s comments seem aimed at exposing Pakistan’s double-speak on terror as Islamabad, when cornered in global fora on fight against terror, gives the excuse that Pakistan itself is a victim of extremism and terrorism, but it continues to support terror strikes in India.

Slamming Pakistan for attempts to raise Kashmir issue, Mr Singh said J&K is not an issue between the two neighbours as the state is an integral part of India. “The issue is of terrorism, and Pakistan can discuss it,” Mr Singh said.

The home minister highlighted the fact that there has been a significant drop in terrorist attacks in the country ever since the NDA government came into power.

“I do not want to claim that terrorism has stopped, but no major terrorist incident has happened in the country in last four-and-a-half years,” Mr Singh said, adding that borders had also become safer since 2014.

The home minister also claimed that terrorism was now only limited to Kashmir where also the situation is showing signs of improvement specially in the wake of successful execution of the local body elections.

The government, he added, has brought J&K into the political maintstream by initiating the process of local body elections.

“As far as terrorism is concerned, there is no second thought that it is Pakistan sponsored,” Mr Singh said, warning Islamabad to stop supporting terrorists.

The home minister claimed that the menace of Naxal violence would be completely eliminated from the country in the coming few years.

Naxal-related incidents have dropped by 50-60 per cent ever since the NDA was voted to power, said Mr Singh.

The Naxal menace is now confined only to 8-9 district as against 90 districts, he claimed.

While accusing the Congress of creating distrust against the armed forces and the government, Mr Singh there was a difference in their words and deeds.

He attacked Congress president Rahul Gandhi on his statement that surgical strikes were carried out even during previous UPA regime also, the home minister sought to know why was this kept a secret.

“They are telling it today. Why was the country not informed earlier? If our Army had shown its valour and strength then should this country not have any knowledge of this matter? Why was the attempt made to keep the valour and strength of the Army hidden? asked Mr Singh.

In response to an alleged statement by All India Majlis-e-Ittehad-ul Muslimeen (AIMIM) MP Asaduddin Owaisi that “Allah will defeat both Narendra Modi and Rahul Gandhi,’’ Mr Singh said, “We cannot fight with god of any religion. We do not want to fight elections like this as we do not believe in politics based on caste or religion. Our politics is based on justice and humanity.”

While commenting on the issue of Hinduism, the home minister said that the Congress is now raising an issue which it avoided discussing till now. “Hinduism should not be connected with any sect, caste and religion. It is a way of living life and it is a human religion,”’ Mr Singh said.

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