
Watch: Delhi hotel staff break into jig after top court legalises gay sex

Members of LGBTQ community across India teared up and celebrated the unanimous decision by the five-judge bench.

New Delhi: As the Supreme Court delivered a landmark verdict decriminalising gay sex on Thursday morning, members of the LGBTQ community across India teared up and celebrated the unanimous decision by the five-judge Constitution bench.

One such celebration was witnessed at Delhi's The Lalit hotel. Draped in pride colours, the hotel staff broke into a dance routine after the top court legalised homosexuality.

In the video, the staffers also urged people to join in the celebrations.

One of the lead petitioners in the Section 377 case is Keshav Suri, executive director of the Lalit Group of hotels.

Speaking to media outside the Supreme Court, Suri said, "All the lawyers and judges who have worked on this are the people to be interviewed and thanked. I am a nobody but they are the people to be thanked. It is a massive time to celebrate."

The constitution bench headed by Chief Justice Dipak Misra termed the part of Section 377 of the Indian Penal Code which criminalises consensual unnatural sex as irrational, indefensible and manifestly arbitrary.

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