
Colleague of Hyderabad's coronavirus patient found to be symptomatic

25 colleagues in Bengaluru were investigated, of which one is admitted at RGICD

Hyderabad: The Telangana government has informed that one of the 25 colleagues of the person who was found positive for coronavirus, was found to be symptomatic and was admitted at Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Chest Diseases (RGICD) in Karnataka.

"A detailed investigation was done to trace the contacts of one person who was found novel coronavirus positive in Telangana and it has been found that at his workplace in Bengaluru, 25 colleagues have been contacted and one is found to be symptomatic and admitted at RGICD," read a government statement.

Colleague's samples have been sent for testing and fumigation of the workplace was done on March 3, said Telangana Government in a statement.

"The person was found coronavirus positive in Telangana confirmed on March 2, who travelled to from Bengaluru to Secunderabad on 21st February. This person is a software engineer working in Bengaluru travelled to Dubai from Bengaluru on February 15. He stayed in Dubai from February 16 to February 19. After returning on February 20 to Bengaluru he worked in the office for a day on February 21 and he left for Hyderabad by private bus on the same day in the evening," it read.

The government said that details on contact tracing with confirmed Telangana Covid-19 case include -- passengers who were sitting close to the above said passenger were followed and tracked by phone, all are asymptomatic and will be followed up until March 6.

"The (Bengaluru to Secunderabad) bus has carried to 32 passengers and 23 passengers have been travelled in the bus, out of which 20 passengers are traced and under house quarantined. The bus driver is under isolation at Hyderabad," it read.

The infected person had travelled from Secunderabad drop point to his residence with his friend's two-wheeler. The chemical disinfection has been done at Hyderabad on March 1, it added.
At his residence in Bengaluru, one flat-mate has been contacted and isolated, he is found to be asymptomatic. Fumigation was done at his residence on March 3, read the statement.

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