
Locals joining J&K militancy hits new high

Without revealing the numbers, the sources said there has been an increase in the numbers of surrenders too.

New Delhi: Amid the fierce onslaught of the no-holds barred “Operation All-Out” against militancy in Kashmir, the number of locals taking to the gun has hit new highs in recent times even as the number of militants gunned down by the security forces crossed the hundred mark in the first six months of 2018 itself.

In the first half of 2018, the number of local Kashmiris joining the militant ranks averaged about 14 youth a month with a total of 82 recruited in the first six months of the year.

During this period, 101 militants have been gunned down of which 27 were foreigners while the rest were locals.

According to official sources, the annual recruitments were 66, 88 and 128 in the preceding years of 2015, 2016 and 2017 respectively.

This year, while there were about 25 recruitments in April, about 14 joined in May while more than 20 joined in June with Shopian and Pulwama being the main recruitment centres.

At the same time, the average life span of militants has gone down to about six months.

The sources said the increase in the number of militants being gunned down is due to several factors like younger and inexperienced youth who are badly trained, scarcity of weapons, etc.

While the age profile of Kashmiri militants ranged 19-21 years till a few years back, it has come down to about 17-19 years now.

A source said, “The levels of radicalisation has hit new highs with funerals and burials being the main events where fiery and emotional speeches are made and the dead militants lionised to motivate and lure more and more youth to the militancy fold.”

Without revealing the numbers, the sources said there has been an increase in the numbers of surrenders too.

“There is an well-established procedure in place to facilitate and help the militants who surrender. Parents of the youth can play a big role here in extricating their children from the fold of militancy,” the source added.

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