
With Airbus, it's just a hop, skip to hospital

All three Airbus H130s are meant for medical missions and are equipped to transport patients and organs.

Bengaluru: Seeing how the increasing traffic on Bengaluru's roads makes it hard to get to a hospital during a medical emergency, the city's first Helicopter Emergency Medical Services (HEMS) was launched in January this year. And now a fleet of three Airbus H130 helicopters are on standby to swoop to the rescue of stranded passengers anywhere.

On Wednesday spectators at Aero India 2017 got to see one of the heli-ambulances displayed by Airbus at the show. Fully kitted out with specialised emergency medical care equipment and capable of conducting life saving services, it drew a good share of attention.

Launched by Aviators Air Rescue, Air Medical Group Holdings Inc., an air medical provider in the United States and Airbus Helicopters, all three Airbus H130s are meant for medical missions and are equipped to transport patients and organs, and also carry out time critical medical missions. While in the first phase the service will cover the entire southern region, AMGH and Aviators have the option to acquire additional helicopters for expanding it to other cities in India.

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