
Office rejects application of inter-faith couple in UP

The passport official advised the Muslim youth to convert to Hinduism which was his wife's religion if they wanted a passport.

Lucknow: In a shocking incident, a couple who had an inter-faith marriage was curtly told that the application for passport had been rejected.

The passport official “advised” the Muslim youth to convert to Hinduism which was his wife’s religion if they wanted a passport.

The couple has tweeted about this incident to the PMO and the minister for external affairs Sushma Swaraj and are waiting for response.

According to Mohd Anas, he had married Tanvi Seth in 2007 and the couple has a daughter. “I applied for a passport on June 19 and was called to meet the passport officials the following day. We cleared the stage A and B but problems arose in stage C when my wife said that she wanted to continue with her maiden name. The official, Vikas Misra, called me and began insulting me. He said that I should embrace Hinduism or else my marriage would be nullified,” Mr Anas said.

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