Now, you can rate top trains on cleanliness
A senior official said that trains and stations will be given ranking as per the survey results.

New Delhi: Popular trains like Rajdhani, Shatabdi and Duronto along with major stations across the country can now be graded on the cleanliness index by passengers themselves.
The inputs would be a part of a detailed survey cum audit of 407 busy stations and about 200 trains which will be undertaken by the Railways shortly.
Apart from all the premier trains, services of all Jan Shatabdi, Samparkkranti and inter-city trains will also be involved in the survey.
As per the survey mechanism, there will be a sample size of about 50 passengers for premium trains and 30 passengers per journey for other trains. At least four rakes for each train should be covered.
A passenger can send photos related to cleanliness in trains and stations to a central control room to be set up soon, said a senior railway ministry official involved with the cleanliness drive. Based on the passengers’ feedback, popular trains will also be audited for on-board housekeeping services, linen quality, toilet condition, disposal of waste and pest control system.
A senior official said that trains and stations will be given ranking as per the survey results.
The aim is to involve passengers in creating awareness about cleanliness on rail premises, he said. The Railways had earlier undertaken a passenger feedback survey to evaluate cleanliness levels of major stations through IRCTC last year.