
J&K terror cases dip, LoC violations jump

In 2019, 161 terrorists were killed in J&K against 254 in 2018. In January 2020, 18 terrorists have been killed in J&K.

New Delhi: There has been a marked decrease in three crucial terror parameters in Kashmir — terror attacks, terrorists killed and local recruitment — in 2019 but ceasefire violations along LoC and international border nearly doubled, said sources in the Indian Army.

In 2019, 161 terrorists were killed in J&K against 254 in 2018. In January 2020, 18 terrorists have been killed in J&K.

Some 120 local youth joined terrorist organisation in 2019 in Kashmir Valley which is nearly half from 220 in 2018, said sources in Indian Army. Pulwama, Shopian, Anantnag and Baramulla were top four districts were most of the locals joined terrorists groups. The maximum local recruitment in 2019 was in Pulwama which saw 36 local joining terrorists organisation. However in 2018, 64 people had joined terrorism in Pulwama.

Srinagar city saw only one person joining the terror organisation, said Indian Army sources. In January 2020, 5 people joined terrorists organisation.

There were 173 terror initiated incidents in 2019. This is marked less than 2018 when 318 terror attacks had happened. Again Pulwama topped the list where more of the terror action took part at 46 against 122 in 2018. In 2020, there were 11 terror incidents in 2020.

As far as ceasefire violation were considered there were 3,168 incident in 2019 along the LoC and international border. There were 1,629 cease-fire violations in 2018. Since, August 5, when Article 370 was revoked, there were 1551 cease-fire violations in 2019. In 2020 there has been 367 cease-fire violations along the LoC and international border.

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