
Bring 26/11 perpetrators to justice: India tells Pak

New Delhi on Monday said, The 26/11 terrorist attack was planned, executed and launched from Pakistan territory'.

New Delhi: On the 10th anniversary of the horrific Mumbai terror attacks carried out by Pakistani terrorists who came in through the sea-route, India on Monday lambasted Pakistan for “showing little sincerity in bringing perpetrators (of the 26/11 Mumbai terror attacks) to justice”, adding that the “planners of 26/11 still roam the streets of Pakistan with impunity”, a clear reference to terrorist and 26/11 mastermind Hafiz Saeed.

New Delhi said “the 26/11 terrorist attack was planned, executed and launched from Pakistan territory” and that the former Prime Minister of Pakistan (a veiled reference to Nawaz Sharif) had earlier this year admitted that the terrorists were sent from Pakistan’s soil. It may be recalled that one of the Pakistani terrorists Ajmal Kasab was caught alive during the attack and was subsequently hanged for his crimes in 2012.

New Delhi called on Isl-amabad “to give up double standards and to expeditiously bring the perpetrators of the horrific attack to justice”, even as India “welcomed the statement issued today by the United States calling on Pakistan to uphold their UN Securi-ty Council obligations to implement sanctions agai-nst the terrorists responsible for the 26/11 Mumbai terror attacks, including Lashkar-e-Tayyiba and its affiliates”.

New Delhi said “it is a matter of deep anguish that even after 10 years of this heinous terror attack, the families of 166 victims from 15 countries across the globe still await closure”.

Pointing out 14 other countries (apart from India) lost their nationals in these attacks, the ministry of external affairs said, “Indian missions in these countries are organising memorial events remembering the victims, both national and foreign, reminding the world of the global threat of terrorism.”

The ministry added that, “Senior government representatives from the host governments, family members of victims and survivors will be participating in these solemn events.”

In a statement, the MEA said, “On the 10th anniversary of the 26/11 Mumbai terrorist attack, the Government and the people of India sombrely remember the victims of this dastardly attack and the martyred security personnel who laid down their lives to protect ours. ... It is a matter of deep anguish that even after 10 years of this heinous terror attack, the families of 166 victims from 15 countries across the globe still await closure, with Pakistan showing little sincerity in bringing perpetrators to justice. The planners of 26/11 still roam the streets of Pakistan with impunity. ... The Government of India will continue its efforts to bring justice to the families of the victims and the martyrs.”

The MEA added, “The 26/11 terrorist attack was planned, executed and launched from Pakistan territory. The former Prime Minister of Pakistan had earlier this year admitted that the terrorists were sent from Pakistan’s soil. We once again call on the Government of Pakistan to give up double standards and to expeditiously bring the perpetrators of the horrific attack to justice. This is not just a matter of Pakistan’s accountability to the families of the innocent victims who fell to terrorists, but also an international obligation. We welcome the statement issued today by the United States calling on Pakistan to uphold their UN Security Council obligations to implement sanctions against the terrorists responsible for the 26/11 Mumbai terror attacks, including Lashkar-e-Tayyiba and its affiliates.”

The MEA further said, “The President, the Prime Minister and the External Affairs Minister, in separate messages, have expressed their firm solidarity with the families of the victims and martyrs. .... A solemn memorial event and wreath laying ceremony was organised earlier today by the State Government of Maharashtra at the Police Memorial in Mumbai and the Memorial at Taj Hotel, Mumbai. The Chief Minister of Maharashtra along with other state dignitaries and members of the Diplomatic Corps participated in these events.”

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