
Guest Column: Never take steroids without doctor's advice'

Steroids are prescribed when the body is deficient of certain hormone or supplementation, says doctor.

Are all steroids harmful? How do we differentiate? And what's the appropriate quantity or duration that should be consumed?
Not all steroids are harmful, if used under supervision it has beneficial effects. Steroids used by athletes and bodybuilders are known as anabolic steroids that induce muscle making, which also raises the level of testosterone in the body. It should never be consumed without specialist prescription, which depends on each and every individual.

What are the types of steroids available in the market? Who should we consult before consuming them?
There are three basic types of steroids: (A) Corticosteroids, (B) Anabolic steroids and (C) Androgenic steroids. Athletes and bodybuilders use the latter (B and C), these are prescribed by doctors after completely examining the body conditions. Illegal steroid abuse will not only lead to abnormal weight gain due to increased muscle mass, but can have side effects such as liver damage, heart failure, testosterone imbalance, erectile dysfunction, infertility and can also be fatal.

Why are steroids necessary for building a body?
Steroids are prescribed when the body is deficient of certain hormone or supplementation. But when a well-nourished body takes these hormonal steroids without medical supervision, it leads to building tissues and muscle mass.

What are the healthier ways to achieve body goals by replacing steroids?
A healthy diet can never be replaced with anything. Steroids should be consumed only with doctor’s prescription. When certain things get commercial, for instance, modeling, where the physical appearance is time-bound, they often tend to take steroid shots. If they are abused, it can cause complications.

What are the problems with taking steroids? What all effects do they have on the body?
Steroids abuse causes hormonal imbalance and suppresses natural testosterone leading to reduced testicle size, penile length, low sperm production, infertility and multi-organ failure which can be fatal as well. Other complications include enlarged heart muscles, causing heart failure; liver damage, causing liver cancer; acne, high BP and high cholesterol.

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