
Risking lives for that dream figure

Youngsters, who are keen to develop muscles, and are often lured by gym instructors to the use of steroids.

Well sculpted body is now something that many aspire to achieve and flaunt, especially in social media. And the trend is not confined to the youth; many middle aged men and women have also become very figure conscious.

However, instead of taking the long hard road of regular exercise, healthy lifestyle and proper diet to achieve this dream figure, many are resorting to short cuts such as taking various health supplements and steroids, often without any doctor’s advice.

Many are lured by some gym instructors to randomly use steroids, ignoring its long-term negative fallout. The unauthorised sale and easy availability of steroids in the city also compounds to the problem.

According to sources who work in the fitness industry, the use of steroids is to fast-track the development of body and muscles, which encourages people to opt for them.

Youngsters, who are keen to develop muscles, and are often lured by gym instructors to the use of steroids, mostly in the form of injections or tablets. They tell them that instead of two to three years of hard work, a well toned body can be achieved in a few months.

“Most people take steroids to achieve results in a shorter time. It’s not the ideal way to reach targets. Also, there are numerous steroids each taken for its own purpose and thus side effects also vary. People who suggest these steroids should be well versed about its effects and side effects, also how long the cycle should be taken and most importantly to stay in safe limits, give gaps and detox the body,” said Vandana, HIIT trainer at F45.

Some of the instructors are paid in the range of Rs 10,000 to Rs 20,000 a month and steroids provide an avenue to earn some extra bucks. They procure relatively cheap steroid brands and sell them at high rates. They make a neat profit at the cost of users’ health, say health experts.

Neurabol, stanozolol tab, deca-durabolin, sustanon, proviron, testoviron and aquaviron are some of the easily available and abused steroids. Gym instructors procure them through some conniving medical shop operators.

Dr Priyanka Rohatgi, Chief Clinical Nutritionist at Apollo Hospitals, Bannerghatta Road said, “There is no shortcut to fitness. Only the right diet and workout can get you a dream body but it is a goal that cannot be achieved in a short time. People are risking their lives for faster results. One needs dedication and perseverance when it comes to fitness. There is no shortcut to fitness. Steroids can cause liver toxicity, and have a long-term effect on bone functions and the immune system.”

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