
PM Narendra Modi to youth: Join war on graft

Saying 3 ex-CMs were in jail, Modi asks: Who says there is no God?'

New Delhi: Underlining the fact that three former chief ministers were “rotting in jail”, Prime Minister Narendra Modi signalled a “zero-tolerance” attitude towards corruption as he said on Sunday that no one would be spared in the government’s anti- graft drive.

Speaking at an NCC rally here, he urged the country’s youth to join him in the battle against corruption and black money. The PM also made a strong pitch for the use of Aadhaar, saying it added great strength to India’s development by curbing leakages and helping funds from the government reach the targeted beneficiaries.

Aadhaar’s legality has been challenged in the Supreme Court and a Constitution Bench is hearing the matter.

Mr Modi said people used to believe that the rich and powerful were not affected by anti-corruption drives, and asserted that this was no longer true. Getting rid of this “termite” of corruption would help the poor the most, he told the NCC cadets.

“Sometimes, there was a sense of disappointment that there is big talk about (combating) corruption, but the big and mighty go scot-free. Today you are going through a phase when three former chief ministers are rotting in jail,” he said.

Former Bihar CMs Lalu Prasad Yadav and Jagannath Mishra were recently convicted and sentenced in a fodder scam case. Former Haryana CM O.P. Chautala is also in jail over a corruption case.

“Who says there is no God? Who says there is no justice at the hands of God? Now no one is going to escape,” the PM asserted. Mr Modi said India’s youth did not accept corruption, but added that the fight against graft and black money would be a long one.

“Will merely expressing an-ger and hatred (towards corruption) work? ...We have to wage a long battle. The fight is not going to stop. This fight against corruption and black money is to make the future of youngsters. And if this makes the future of my youngsters, then this also makes the future of my country,” he said. He sought the help of NCC cadets and other young people in promoting digital transactions, saying it would curb corruption.

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