
Schools, cinemas to stay shut in Unlock 2: Here are all the guidelines

Home Ministry issues detailed guidelines to be in force till July 31

New Delhi: The Union government on Monday night issued guidelines for the month-long 'Unlock 2' -- the phased re-opening of activities that were barred to contain the coronavirus spread in the country. Accordingly, educational institutions, Metro Rail services, cinema halls and gyms will continue to remain closed.

"The dates for opening of these will be decided separately, based on the assessment of the situation," the home ministry said.

"The lockdown shall continue to be implemented strictly in the containment zones till July 31. These zones are required to be carefully demarcated by the state and UT governments with a view to contain the spread of COVID-19, after taking into consideration the guidelines issued by the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare," it said.

Here are the detailed guidelines issued by the Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA), applicable from July 1 after Unlock 1 ends on June 30:

Main points
* Schools, colleges and coaching institutions will remain closed till July 31.
* Metro rail, cinemas, gymnasiums, swimming pools, entertainment parks, theatres, bars, auditoriums, assembly halls and similar places will remain shut.
* Social, political, sports, entertainment, academic, cultural, religious functions and other large congregations will continue to be disallowed.

* Domestic and international (under the Vande Bharat mission) flights and passenger trains, already operational in a limited manner, will be further expanded in a calibrated manner.
* International air travel of passengers permitted in a limited manner under Vande Bharat mission. Further opening up will take place in a calibrated manner.

Night curfew
* Night curfew will be in force from 10.00 pm to 5.00 am.
* Further, relaxations in night curfew have been given for seamless operation of industrial units in multiple shifts, movement of persons and goods on National and State Highways, loading and unloading of cargo and movement of persons to their destinations after disembarking from buses, trains and airplanes.

* Depending upon area, shops can have more than 5 persons at a time. However, they have to maintain adequate physical distance.

Educational institutions
Training institutions of the central and state Governments will be allowed to function with effect from July 15, 2020. SOP in this regard will be issued by the Department of Personnel and Training, Government of India.
* After extensive consultation with states and UTs, it has been decided that schools, colleges and coaching institutions will remain closed till July 31, 2020.

What's not permitted outside the containment zones
* Metro Rail
* Cinemas, gymnasiums, swimming pools, entertainment parks, theatres, bars, auditoriums, assembly halls and similar places.
* Social/ political/ sports/ entertainment/ academic/ cultural/ religious functions and other large congregations.

Containment zones
* Lockdown shall continue to be implemented strictly in all containment zones till 31 July, 2020. Containment zones are required to be carefully demarcated by the State/UT governments after taking into consideration the guidelines issued by the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare (MOHFW).
* Within the containment zones, strict perimeter control shall be maintained and only essential activities allowed.
* Containment zones will be notified on the websites of the respective district collectors and by the States/UTs and information will also be shared with MOHFW.
* Activities in containment zones shall be monitored strictly by the State/UT authorities, and the guidelines relating to containment measures in these zones shall be strictly implemented.
* MOHFW will monitor the proper delineation of Containment Zones and implementation of the containment measures.

States to decide on activities outside CZs
* States and UTs, based on their assessment of the situation, may prohibit certain activities outside the Containment zones, or impose such restrictions as deemed necessary.
* However, there shall be no restrictions on inter-state and intra-state movement of persons and goods.
* No separate permission/ approval/ e-permit will be required for such movements.

National directives for COVID-19 management
National directives for COVID-19 management shall continue to be followed throughout the country, with a view to ensure social distancing.
Shops will need to maintain adequate physical distancing among customers.
MHA will monitor the effective implementation of National Directives.

Protection for vulnerable persons
Vulnerable persons, i.e., persons above 65 years of age, persons with co-morbidities, pregnant women, and children below the age of 10 years, are advised to stay at home, except for meeting essential requirements and for health purposes.

Use of Aarogya Setu
The use of Aarogya Setu mobile application will continue to be encouraged.

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