
Present regime arresting those fighting for human rights violation: Sudha Bharadwaj

Trade unionist and lawyer Sudha Bharadwaj, who was picked up by the Maharashtra Police for her suspected links with Maoists

New Delhi: Trade unionist and lawyer Sudha Bharadwaj, who was picked up by the Maharashtra Police for her suspected links with Maoists, on Wednesday said those speaking against human rights violation and fighting for the rights of Dalits and tribals are being targeted by the "present regime".

Bharadwaj, along with several other Left-wing activists, was arrested on Tuesday in multi-city raids.

She has been confined at her residence in Faridabad, under the guard of police officers, and allowed to meet only her lawyer.

"I think whatever is the opposition to the present regime, whether it is on Dalit rights, tribal rights, or human rights, everybody who is in the opposition is being rounded up in this manner. My mobile, laptop and pen drive has been seized. I apprehend they are going to play around with this data. My Gmail and Twitter passwords have also been taken," she told reporters in Delhi.

The arrest has triggered a nation-wide outrage with activists saying the raids were a brazen attack on democratic rights and reminiscent of the infamous Emergency.

Her daughter, Anu Bharadwa, said, "There were ten people. Among them only one was a lady constable from the Haryana police. Others were from the Maharashtra police. When Mom asked for search warrant, they said they did not have it.

"They did have some other document. That is why, mom allowed them to come inside. I do not have any idea about allegations but mom said they have come in connection with arrests in Pune," she said.

The Maharashtra Police on Tuesday carried out searches at multiple places in several states, including Delhi, on the residences of people suspected to have Maoist links. The raids were carried out as part of a probe into the violence at Maharashtra's Koregaon-Bhima village, triggered by an event called 'Elgar Parishad' (conclave) held in Pune on December 31, 2017.

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