
MP student finds way out of Blue Whale game

He suggested minors who have been hooked to the game to adopt the method to come out of it.

Bhopal: A Class 10 student of a government high school in a Madhya Pradesh district has suggested a simple way to save gullible minors from falling victim to Blue Whale challenge — by formatting their cellphones.

Om Prakash Chouhan, a resident of district headquarters town of Betul, got hooked to the dangerous game and later saved himself from falling victim to it by adopting the tactic.

“I got hooked to the game after I uploaded the app in my phone from a link in Facebook. A sense of fear overwhelmed me as I progressed in the game. I was given death threats for me and my parents whenever I wanted to opt out of the challenge.

Several times, I challenged the intimidating instructions thinking that the game would not disturb me further. But, it was in vain.

“One day, I decided to format my phone to delete the game which finally ended my ordeal,” Prakash said on Thursday, who was later counselled by experts after he brought the matter to the police, said on Thursday.

He suggested minors who have been hooked to the game to adopt the method to come out of it.

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