Spurt in BAT action likely before snowfall
Some posts are much ahead of border fences at many places and are isolated from the main reserves of forces.

New Delhi: Before heavy snowfall stops infiltration by November-end, security forces are apprehensive of spurt in the Pakistani Border Action Team (BAT) action in October-November period along the Line of Control (LoC).
“October and November are peak period for BAT actions by the terrorists in many sector along the line of control (LoC),” said a senior security official. He said that usually after active summer at the LoC, security forces tend to take it easy as winters approach and this is what BAT teams try to exploit.
Some posts are much ahead of border fences at many places and are isolated from the main reserves of forces.
“BAT teams keep monitoring these posts for weakness. They try to find any laxity,” said the official.
The security forces also do area domination patrols at these places, which are far away and are in dense forests. “The forest at places like Machhal sector are very dense and it is difficult to look far. If parties are not smart enough, BAT teams try to exploit any loopholes,” said the official. As counter measure, personnel at the forward posts maintain highest vigil at night.
“Those who are deployed at the forward posts don’t sleep in night and take breaks at day time to rest,” said the official. Indian forces also monitor Pakistan Army’s posts. “We look at the number of personnel at these posts. If the number of soldiers at these posts suddenly increase and we also increase our alertness levels,” said another official.
The BAT usually comprises a mix of Pakistani Army commandos and terrorists. “However, mostly it is the terrorists, who are involved in these BAT actions. They are from the commando wing of these terrorist groups and are highly trained. Because if only Pak army soldiers are in the BAT teams then it will be taken as a case of direct aggression against India,” said the official.
In October 2016, BAT team had mutilated the body of an Indian Army soldier close to the LoC in the Machhal sector.