
Arunachal Pradesh: Kalikho Pul’s challenge is picking of ministers

The Congress, which had 47 MLAs in the 60-member Assembly, suffered a jolt when 21 of its legislators, led by Mr Kalikho Pul, rebelled.

The Congress, which had 47 MLAs in the 60-member Assembly, suffered a jolt when 21 of its legislators, led by Mr Kalikho Pul, rebelled.

Sources in Arunachal Pradesh’s new ruling alliance of dissident Congress MLAs and the BJP told this newspaper that the newly-sworn-in chief minister’s biggest challenge would be to expand his council of ministers.

However, the BJP, the second-largest constituent of the government, has not taken any decision on joining the government led by Mr Pul and has been extending outside support to the government. Sources in the BJP said central party leaders would take a final decision on joining the government.

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