
‘Braveheart’ blows Scottish bugle again

Scottish First Minister Nicola Sturgeon on Thursday unveiled plans for a new independence referendum in case her demands for more autonomy and for Scotland to stay in Europe’s single market were not m

Scottish First Minister Nicola Sturgeon on Thursday unveiled plans for a new independence referendum in case her demands for more autonomy and for Scotland to stay in Europe’s single market were not met.

Sturgeon said she would publish a draft referendum Bill next week, accusing the British government of pushing for a “hard Brexit” and stirring up “xenophobia” with proposals to cut EU immigration.

“I can confirm today that the independence referendum bill will be published for consultation next week” in the Scottish parliament, Sturgeon told delegates at her Scottish National Party’s annual meet. “I am determined that Scotland will have the ability to reconsider the question of independence and to do so before the UK leaves the EU if that is necessary to protect our country’s interest.”

Scotland, which has a semi-autonomous status within Britain, voted by 55 per cent in favour of staying in the United Kingdom in an independence vote in 2014. In the EU membership referendum earlier this year, Scotland voted by 62 per cent in favour of remaining part of the bloc while Britain voted to leave.

Sturgeon said Scotland’s proposals would include taking powers currently in the EU’s remit and seeking new powers from London, including the ability to strike international deals and immigration policy. Reacting to Sturgeon, a spokesman for Prime Minister Theresa May’s office said, “We should focus on working together on the best deal for the UK”.

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