
Didn't say anything wrong: MoS Kishan Reddy on Hyd safe zone for terrorists

This comes after Asaduddin Owaisi attacked Kishan Reddy for stating his comments as irresponsible and a move to spread hatred.

New Delhi: Clearing his stand, Union Minister of State for Home G Kishan Reddy on Friday said that he did not say anything wrong. He had earlier claimed that Hyderabad has become a safe zone for terrorists .

“There are places in the country where terror activities are on a rise. If an incident takes place in Bengaluru or Bhopal, its roots are traced to Hyderabad. The state police, NIA have arrested terrorists in Hyderabad every two or three months. I didn't say anything wrong,” said Reddy.

Read: Hyderabad turning safe haven for terror: G Kishan Reddy

This comes after AIMIM chief Asaduddin Owaisi criticised MoS (Home) G Kishan Reddy for calling Hyderabad as a safe zone for terror stating it irresponsible and a move to spread hatred.

Owaisi said, “An MoS speaking like this! This shows their hatred for Telangana, Hyderabad. Such irresponsible statements don't suit a minister, but we expect this from him. Wherever they see Muslims, they take them for terrorists. We can't cure them.”

Raising questions on the enmity between Telangana and Hyderabad, he asked, “Since past 5 years there is peace here, there are no communal riots, religious festivals are peacefully celebrated, it is a growing city. What enmity do they have with Telangana, Hyderabad? Do they not like that it is growing?

He also said that it was unfortunate for a Minister of State for Home to say such things. “I'd like to ask him that in last 5 years how many times have NIA, IB and RAW gave in writing that Hyderabad is a safe zone for terror?” asked Owaisi.

Calling Hyderabad a terror-safe zone sends out a wrong message, said Telangana Rashtriya Samiti (TRS) on Saturday.

Read: Calling Hyd safe zone for terror will harm business: TRS on Kishan Reddy's statement

"The statements given by the newly appointed Minister of State for Home, G Kishan Reddy, categorizing Hyderabad as a safe zone for terror sends a very wrong signal to investors and businesses which are planning to invest in the state," TRS leader Abid Rasool Khan told ANI.

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