
Centre to push for digitisation of ad policy

Sources said that the finance ministry has also sought an year wise detail of expenditure on advt in newspapers and magazines by each ministry.

New Delhi: The Narendra Modi regime has decided to push for digitisation in the advertisement policy for publication of government tenders in newspapers and magazines.

A finance ministry directive, issued recently, has stated that tenders above certain threshold value should be given on Central public procurement portal, government e-marketplace portal, as well on the websites of ministries and departments. It added that “the requirement of compulsory advertisement in newspapers has been dispensed with.”

It is understood that the government wants to push for complete digitisation in the tendering process in the hope of bringing in centralisation and transparency in the advertisement and procurement process. The move is also expected to control the unwanted expenses being incurred by various government ministries and departments on advertisements, sources added.

Sources said that the finance ministry has also sought an year wise detail of expenditure on advertisement in newspapers and magazines by each ministry. It has also sought details of number of tenders where advertisements in the newspapers have not been made by them. It is learnt that the government is expected to make a comparative study regarding tendering process and push for e-tendering in a big way.

Sources stated that the data is being compiled to make a comparison between the success rate of government advertisement that are released on line and ones that are published through periodicals. Based on the analysis of these the government is expected to make a final decision on the future policy on the issue, sources stated.

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