
Rajasthan: 4 students thrashed over beef rumours

The ghost of the Dadri lynching has now come to haunt Rajasthan as four Kashmiri students at a private university here were beaten up by a mob following rumours that they had cooked beef in their host

The ghost of the Dadri lynching has now come to haunt Rajasthan as four Kashmiri students at a private university here were beaten up by a mob following rumours that they had cooked beef in their hostel room.

According to the police, few Kashmiri students were cooking meat in their hostel room and when the news spread among others, the students were dragged out and thrashed. Later, other Kashmiri students residing in the same hostel rushed to help their peers and a clash ensued. The varsity has around 700-800 Kashmiri students.

Several Hindu fringe elements received information of the incident and gathered outside the university in Gangrar. As the situation worsened, the university authorities had to close the main gate of the campus. Meanwhile, the agitated mob set the meat shop near the university on fire and blocked the national highway.

The police arrived at the university and took the four Kashmiri students into custody under Section 151 of the IPC (knowingly joining or continuing in assembly of five or more persons after it has been commanded to disperse), but later released them.

Meanwhile, following reports of alleged harassment of Kashmiri students in West Bengal and Rajasthan, Jammu and Kashmir police chief K. Rajendra Kumar has urged his counterparts from both Rajasthan and West Bengal to ensure the safety of these students.

“Some mischief mongers spread rumours that the students were cooking beef. But, prima facie, it didn’t look like beef. We have sent it for forensic testing just to be sure,” said Chittorgarh Superintendent of police Prasanna Khamesara.

Members of right-wing parties even called for a bandh, following which there was heavy security being deployed at the university and at sensitive places in and around the town. It has been alleged that some Kashmiri students also manhandled media persons who were trying to take pictures in the campus.

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