
Triple talaq: Rampur Jama Masjid undertakes campaign to oppose Centre

‘Govt’s intention to ban the triple talaq practice was an emphatic insult to Islam,’ Nayab Imam at Jama Masjid said.

‘Govt’s intention to ban the triple talaq practice was an emphatic insult to Islam,’ Nayab Imam at Jama Masjid said.


: Amid the debate over triple talaq, the Jama Masjid committee here has undertaken a signature campaign to oppose the Centre’s stand on the issue. Reportedly, the Jama Masjid committee gave ‘Namazis’ forms to sign after the prayers on Friday.

“Islam is not the creation of human beings but based on teachings of the Quran and Hadith. The government’s intention to ban the triple talaq practice was an emphatic insult to Islam,” Nayab Imam at Jama Masjid Molana Faizan Khan said.

Meanwhile, Zila Mufti and Kazi-E-Shariya, Syed Shahid Ali Rizwi, said, “If he (the Prime Minister) is really worried about the welfare of Muslim women then he should manage reservation for them in government jobs.” “He should disclose why on almost all top posts (in the government) only women from high-castes have been placed and those from lower castes have not been treated at par,” Rizwi said.

“In his two-and-a-half-year of governance, has Modi been able to provide justice and honour to Muslim women ” the Mufti asked, adding the rights accorded to women by Islam were “much more comprehensive” than by any other religion. In a press meet in Kuderki, around 40 km from here, the national president of Jameet Ulema-E-Hind warned, “The question of triple talaq can be discussed or decided by only the ‘Ulemas’ and not by any other person or agency.”

“In case a government or judiciary interferes in religious matters, it would be deemed an attack on human rights,” he said. The government instead of dealing with talaq issue should take care of poverty-ridden Muslims besides providing them better educational facilities, he demanded.

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