
2-year-old raped, not given treatment for 24 hours, dies; US couple held for murder

Despite the child showing warning signs of vomiting and weakness, Amber did not consider it important to take her to a doctor.

Despite the child showing warning signs of vomiting and weakness, Amber did not consider it important to take her to a doctor.


: A New Jersey man has been arrested for sexually assaulting and murdering his partner's two-year-old daughter, Ariana, police officials have said.

Identified as Michael Disporto, the 22-year-old accused was charged with first degree murder and sexual assault on a child. The toddler's mother, Amber Bobo, 26, has also been taken into custody on the charges of endangering the welfare of a minor. She has been slapped with second degree charge.

The assault on the minor began on the fateful night when she was taken to a park late in the evening by Disparto under the pretext of spending some time with her. He raped Ariana in the park and later returned home.

The following morning, Ariana's mother Amber noticed bruises and marks on her body and was taken to the hospital after several hours of wait.

Despite the child showing warning signs of vomiting and weakness, Amber did not consider it important to take her to a doctor and resorted to ice cubes to heal the bruises as advised by Disparto.

She waited for several hours before taking Ariana to the hospital where the little one succumbed to her injuries.

-"a-" Amber bobo with her two-year-old daughter who was brutally raped and murdered. (Photo: Facebook) “She was the most beautiful baby you'd ever meet,” the Ariana's cousin, Destiny Hughes was quoted as saying.

Speaking on the condition of his grand daughter Ariana, Robert Smith posted a message online.

It read, -" My granddaughter’s little body was damaged and destroyed so badly that in terms of describing the condition of her body is that of a 20 pound baby being struck by a speeding car. This attack being done with hands and feet and then her little lifeless body was left for hours and hours and hours before receiving medical attention. Mike Disporto and Amber Bobo have destroyed so many people with their heartless actions.-"

-"a-" The heartfelt message shared by Ariana's grandfather on Facebook. (Photo: Facebook) Currently, Disparto has been held on USD 1.5 million bail. Authorities said that they are investigating the matter in detail.

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