
Donald Trump causes feud in Fox News

A feud seems to be brewing at Fox News between two of its most recognizable anchors.

A feud seems to be brewing at Fox News between two of its most recognizable anchors. Megyn Kelly and Sean Hannity, who have back-to-back shows on Fox News and are the network’s best-known and best-paid hosts, have sharp difference of opinion about Donald Trump and they have now started airing them publicly.

On Wednesday night, Kelly pointed out Trump’s decision to stick with pro-Trump interviewers like Hannity on her 9 pm show, The Kelly File. “Donald Trump, with all due respect to my friend at 10, will go on Hannity, and pretty much only Hannity, and will not venture out to the unsafe spaces these days, which doesn’t exactly expand the tent,” Kelly said.

To which Hannity retorted with a tweet: “U should be mad at @HillaryClinton. Clearly you support her.” Finishing off with this tweet: “@realDonaldTrump did talk to u.”

Kelly chose not to reply to Hannity. Kelly, who has been lobbying for an interview with Clinton all year long, interviewed Trump in May, burying the hatchet after Trump targeted her for criticism for the better part of the year. Since then, however, Trump has declined Kelly’s interview requests.

It’s a fact that Trump has been avoiding all but the friendliest of interview forums.

Hannity had the first televised conversation with Trump after the first Trump-Clinton debate last week.

Kelly, a take-no-prisoners journalist, and Hannity, a devoted conservative commentator, embody two co-existing but competitive versions of Fox News.

The spill over of the presidential fight into the network is only going to draw more eyeballs to Kelly and Sean’s sideshow.

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