
Hillary Clinton’s lead down to half nationally

Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton’s lead over her Republican rival Donald Trump in the race for the White House has been cut in half in the last one month, according to a latest poll.

Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton’s lead over her Republican rival Donald Trump in the race for the White House has been cut in half in the last one month, according to a latest poll.

However, the 68-year-old leader continues to maintain lead in some of the key battle ground states, other polls said. Ms Clinton holds an average of 42 per cent support to Mr Trump’s 37 per cent across five nation-wide telephone polls conducted between August 9 and 30, CNN said, releasing the findings if its Poll of Polls on Friday. While this five-point lead represents a strong starting point for Ms Clinton heading into the fall campaign season, it said. Ms Clinton’s lead over Mr Trump on an average has come down to 4.1 percentage points. But when it comes to polls in some of the key states, Ms Clinton continues to lead over the real estate mogul. In New Hampshire, Ms Clinton is leading by 11 percentage points, while in Virginia she is ahead by one points. But in Iowa, Ms Clinton trails Mr Trump by five percentage points, indicating that the race to the White House is tightening now.

Ms Clinton continues to lead in most of the states, according to RealClearPolitics. These include Florida, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Nevada, New Hampshire, North Carolina, Michigan, Wisconsin, Colorado, Virginia, and Georgia.

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