
Houston rejects civil rights measure for LGBTs

Voters in Houston, the fourth most populous US city, rejected a measure that would have banned discrimination based on gender identity and sexual orientation, protections not guaranteed under Texas la

Voters in Houston, the fourth most populous US city, rejected a measure that would have banned discrimination based on gender identity and sexual orientation, protections not guaranteed under Texas law. The Houston Equal Rights Ordinance was backed by outgoing mayor Annise Parker, the first open lesbian to be elected as mayor of a major US city and local business, while prominent Republicans and Christian pastors rallied against the proposal also called HERO.

The ordinance would have banned discrimination in city employment and city services, city contracts, public accommodations, private employment and housing based on criteria including an individual’s sexual orientation and gender identity.

The political wrangling over the measure had gone on for more than a year. Some conservative Christians saw it as an attack on their religious liberties. Backers of the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) community said it reflected the values of a modern and multicultural city and was needed to stamp out bigotry. Many opponents focused on a small part of the ordinance that they said concerned the use of public bathrooms by transgender men and women. They also said it could allow for sexual predators in public restrooms. Lieutenant governor Dan Patrick, a Tea Party Republican, said in an advertisement opposed to HERO: “It’s about allowing men into women’s locker rooms and bathrooms. No woman should have to share a public locker room or restroom with a man.”

Mayor Parker said after the vote, “This was a campaign of fear mongering and deliberate lies. The measure won support from liberal groups and business leaders.

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