
How Bill Clinton warned Hillary Clinton of India

Keep poor nations away from Delhi, Beijing, Clinton said in 2009.

Keep poor nations away from Delhi, Beijing, Clinton said in 2009.

A day before an agreement on climate change during the Copenhagen Summit in 2009, former US president Bill Clinton advised his wife and the then secretary of state Hillary Clinton on how to keep poor countries away from China and India.

“To keep poor counties from siding with China, India et al on issues like transparency, you might offer them this deal: whatever commitments they make are contingent on the availability of an option that is good for their economics,” Bill Clinton wrote in an email to Hillary Clinton on December 17, 2009.

Hillary and US President Barack Obama were camping in Copenhagen to arrive at a deal, which was being opposed by countries led by China and India which tried to rally behind them the third world countries.

“I recommend that you begin by saying that this challenge is an opportunity if we approach it the right and way and provide the right financing options so that the old energy economy no longer has an advantage over new ways of providing and consuming energy,” Bill Clinton said.

From the content of the email, it looks like that Hillary Clinton had sought advice from her life partner on the best way forward to address the challenge of climate change at the then ongoing summit.

“Hillary, I’ve had a busy day and too little time to study all the articles enough to give much good advice,” Bill Clinton wrote in the email, which was released by the state department on Friday.

These documents were provided to the state department by the FBI and were reviewed using Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) standards for public release.

These are 75 documents totaling 273 additional pages of emails sent or received by Clinton in her capacity during her tenure as secretary of state.

Meanwhile, Hillary Clinton told bankers behind closed doors that she favoured “open trade and open borders” and said Wall Street executives were best-positioned to help reform the US financial sector, according to transcripts of her private, paid speeches leaked on Friday. The leaks were the result of another email hacking intended to influence the presidential election.

Excerpts of the speeches given in the years before her 2016 presidential campaign included some blunt and unguarded remarks to her private audiences, which collectively had paid her at least $26.1 million in speaking fees. Hillary Clinton had refused to release transcripts of the speeches, despite repeated calls to do so by her primary opponent, Senator Bernie Sanders.

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