
North Korea says it wants UK to pull out of military drills

Britain has announced that it will take part in exercises in South Korea with South Korean and US forces in early November.

Britain has announced that it will take part in exercises in South Korea with South Korean and US forces in early November.

Pyongyang, North Korea:

North Korea wants Britain to pull out of military exercises in South Korea, calling the drills a -"hostile act.-"

Britain has announced that it will take part in exercises in South Korea with South Korean and US forces in early November.

On Monday, North Korean Foreign Ministry official Pak Yun Sik said that -"the US and South Korea openly say that these military exercises are aimed at launching a strike against our military facilities and our command structure.-"

He said Britain was engaging in -"a hostile act, openly joining the U.S. and South Korean forces in moves for a new war against us.-"

North Korea views South Korea-US military drills as an invasion rehearsal, but Seoul and Washington say the exercises are defensive in nature.

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