
Pakistan teen survives 50 hours under rubble

A Pakistani teen was rescued 50 hours after he was buried under the debris of the factory that collapsed in Lahore on Wednesday.

A Pakistani teen was rescued 50 hours after he was buried under the debris of the factory that collapsed in Lahore on Wednesday.

“An 18-year-old Muhammad Shahid was also evacuated alive 50 hours after the building collapsed by the blessing of God,” Muhammad Usman, a top administration official in Lahore said.

Shahid survived 50 hours beneath the debris of the factory and was finally rescued by the rescue teams. Shahid was taken to Jinnah Hospital where he gave a friend’s phone number to the rescue teams. The friend was called by the hospital staff and he recognised Shahid immediately.

However, the friend told that Shahid’s parents have already received the supposed body of their son and have buried him as well.

“The question that arose now was who had been buried by Shahid’s parents, if Shahid was still alive,” said a police official adding they were investigating the issue.

The four-storey Rajput Polyester polythene bag factory came crashing down on Wednesday evening, and at least 37 bodies have so far been recovered from the wreckage.

Shahid’s discovery ignited emotional scenes at the site as workers chanted “Allah-O-Akbar (God is great)” and encouraged each other to boost morale.

Officials have said at least 150 people were in the factory when it came down and it was unclear how many — dead or alive — may still be trapped.

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