
US celebrities’ diss Donald Trump, rally voters to the polls

The get-out-the-vote video was unveiled less than seven weeks before the November 8 presidential election.

The get-out-the-vote video was unveiled less than seven weeks before the November 8 presidential election.

New York:

Some of America's biggest stars -- including actors Robert Downey Jr and Scarlett Johansson -- appear in a short video unveiled on Wednesday, taking potshots at Donald Trump while rallying voters to the polls on election day.

-"On Tuesday, November 8, this country will make one of the most important decisions in its history,-" the film and stage actors say as part of the effort launched by -"Save the Day,-" a Super PAC supporting Hillary Clinton.

PACs, or political action committees, are organizations created to raise funds to support or oppose a given candidate or political cause.

Super PACs can raise even larger amounts of cash during the immensely expensive American political campaigns, but are forbidden from making direct contributions to a candidate.

Leslie Odom Jr -- until recently a star of the hit play -"Hamilton-" -- makes a reference to Republican Presidential candidate Donald Trump in the three-minute video.

-"Do we really want to give nuclear weapons to a man whose signature move is firing things -" Odom asks.

Likewise, Hollywood star Don Cheadle appears to allude to the Republican presidential nominee when referring in the video to -"a racist, abusive coward who could permanently damage the fabric of our society.-"

Save the Day was founded by Joss Whedon, director of two installments of the hit -"The Avengers-" films, among other works.

The get-out-the-vote video was unveiled less than seven weeks before the November 8 presidential election.

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