
Vladimir Putin slams Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton ‘shock’ tactics

Russian President Vladimir Putin has slammed both US presidential hopefuls, Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump, for “using shock tactics” during their campaigns.

Russian President Vladimir Putin has slammed both US presidential hopefuls, Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump, for “using shock tactics” during their campaigns.

In an interview published two days before the G20 summit in China, Mr Putin refused to take sides in the battle and blasted them both saying, “I don’t think they are setting the best example.” He also slammed the candidates for using the “anti-Russian card,” and called the strategy “short-sighted.”

Responding to allegations that Kremlin is favouring the Republican nominee, Mr Putin said, “We never intervene, do not intervene, try not to intervene in domestic political processes. We will closely monitor what happens and wait for the election results and then we will be ready to work with any administration, if it itself wants that... Their last name doesn’t matter... I would like to work with a person who can make responsible decisions and implement any agreements that we reach.”

Mr Putin dismissed the claim that cyberattacks on two Democratic organisations, as well as the Clinton Foundation were Russia’s doing.

When pressed on his past criticism of Ms Clinton in 2011 after the secretary of state accused him of rigging the Russian election, compared with Mr Trump’s praise of him, he said, “If someone says that they want to work with Russia, we will welcome it. And if someone... wants to get rid of us then it will be a completely different approach.”

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