
Celebrate diversity

The world is full of people who are different from one another.

The world is full of people who are different from one another. Imagine how interesting it would be if we really got to know people who were of a different religion, culture, colour, race and spoke a different language. Unity in diversity is a philosophy that embraces the ancient Indian credo of ‘Vasudeva Kutumbakam’ or the world is a single family, and this is the theme of the World day for Cultural Diversity that will be celebrated on May 21 every year.

Seventy five percent of the world’s conflicts are based on misunderstanding of each other’s cultures. There is an urgent need to get exposed to the beauty and nobility of each other’s worlds. To become an urbane global citizen is a goal worth achieving. The digital world brings it well within our reach. You can create your own global community of people committed to true understanding through dialogue and the breaking down of barriers and stereotypes.

Visit an art exhibit or a museum dedicated to other cultures Create a group where every one has different food habits. Dedicate an evening to each other. Learn about another religion Plan an international movie night Listen to a musical tradition from a different culture Play a sport related to a different culture Learn a new language Learn about traditional celebrations from other cultures and invite them to your festivals Volunteer with an organisation working for diversity and inclusion Invite people from a different culture to share your customs and celebrations.

The writer is the author of Everyday Happiness Mantras

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